
Wij delen graag onze kennis. Met blogs, downloads en webinars houden we je continu op de hoogte van de allernieuwste ontwikkelingen. Mis nooit meer een blog, whitepaper of webinar en meld je aan voor de Portiva Update.

Blog Azure Runbook Devops

Azure Devops Read permissions for everyone

Storing your code in a git repository is kind of a no brainer. We internally use a lot of Azure Devops for that, and you can imagine that we have spun...

Blog PowerShell Node Twitter NodeJs

Generate tweets and images with Node

Last December the CLI for Microsoft 365 group brainstormed about some new ideas to drive adoption and to highlight some of the capabilities. One of th...

Blog Microsoft Flow Power Automate Microsoft 365 CLI

Flow missing export to Logic Apps? Use the CLI for Microsoft 365!

Sometimes you have these moments that it all comes together. During a recent call we had a customer who had some issues with one of its flows in Power...

Blog Graph UI Teams External users

Adding Guests using the Graphs ending up as Members

During a recent project we had some weird behavior inviting users to Teams. To have business logic in place we build a custom process to invite extern...

Azure Azure Sentinel

Using Azure Sentinel for insights in Workplace Occupancy

Azure Sentinel provides a great overview of security events in your organization. You can collect security events at a large scale. Now there are quit...

Blog Azure Backup SharePoint SQL

Restore SharePoint back-ups on your Azure SQL Managed Instance

SharePoint Server 2019 and 2016 both support SQL Managed Instances. There are a few advantages of using Managed Instances in the cloud and one of them...

Blog REST SharePoint Power Automate

Power Automate to Copy and Move Document sets using REST

Within the same project as my last blog on Power Automate & OData Queries we had to copy some content. Besides sending notifications in some cases...

Blog SharePoint Power Automate

Power Automate & OData Queries

I just completed a project where we used Power Automate for some reporting functions. Based on a set of rules notifications should be send to users. T...

Blog Microsoft Teams Azure AI chatbot

Jouw eigen chatbot gebruiken in Teams

In mijn vorige blog ben ik ingegaan op hoe je chatbot kunt klaarzetten. Nu je weet hoe makkelijk het is om een chatbot te maken met QnAMaker, is de vo...

Blog Microsoft Teams Azure AI chatbot

Eenvoudig een COVID-19 chatbot maken

Dat chatbots steeds populairder worden, is niet nieuw. Maar wist je ook dat je zelf heel eenvoudig een chatbot kunt maken? Zo kun je snel jouw crisisc...

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